The happiness conveyor belt
I’m Scottish, and my parent’s mindset was that if you,
work hard = become successful = happiness
My father was a lathe turner, not a job that you see frequently advertised these days. As a child I loved what he did, not because I knew what his work involved, but he’d usually be at home when I came back from school. At work, his nickname was ‘The Bear’, I never really asked him what his work was like, why he was called ‘The Bear’ or if it made him happy. I guess he would have seen happiness at his work as irrelevant chat.
BUT you could easily spend 92,000 + hours at work, that’s a heck of amount of time, so let’s make sure that you are doing everything that you can to have happiness at the heart of it.
Happiness doesn’t have a finish line, there isn’t a destination that you can head towards and then say,
“GREAT, that’s me sorted - I’m now happy.”
Don’t WonderIf and wait for happiness to arrive by thinking,
When I graduate from…
When I land this dream job…
When I get this promotion….