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Vulnerability as a leader isn't a new concept but how do we show this in a way that creates accessibility to others in our team. There are three key aspects to it that is useful to reflect and ask yourself.

  1. Humility comes from the Latin word humilis, which literally means low. In the context of our work it is showing our modesty in terms of our capabilities, being able to make mistakes and openly talk about these with others and being open to have others contribute to your ideas and thinking.

  2. Curious listeners, I have mentioned before that I see curiosity as a super skill. In this context I am looking at how it relates to our ability to listen. There was an article a few years ago in psychology today called, Are you really listening, or Just Waiting to Talk? where it highlighted that only 10% of us listen effectively. Having the knack to listen and suspend judgement is hard to do, but unbelievably effective if you give yourself the space to understand those around you and deepen your curiosity of them.

  3. Cognitive dissonance, we all know that we are biased in our thinking but by opening ourselves up to recognise our own flaws we then start to focus our energies - positively on creating an organisation where openness & sensitivity is at the heart of it.